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Open Weekends and One-Day Workshops

The open weekend and one-day workshops provide an opportunity to experience psychodrama within a safe and supportive atmosphere. Each workshop has a theme, which acts as a general focus for the psychodrama sessions. Open workshops are directed by BIP Trainers and diploma students.

Who are they intended for?

These workshops are open to professionals from psychotherapy, counselling, psychology, educational, mental health, criminal justice, social work, youth justice, voluntary sector and related occupations. They are also suitable for students of these professions and people considering training in these professions. These workshops are suitable for people who are new to psychodrama as well as people who have experienced psychodrama before.

The workshops consist of a theory-in-action sessions and protagonist-centred psychodramas. These workshops are intended as diploma-level training for BIP students, for professionals seeking CPD, for students of the helping professions seeking an experience of the psychodrama method, and as external hours for trainees from other psychodrama schools. Please note that, while these workshops can be therapeutic, they are primarily intended to offer an experience of psychodrama and not as a means of providing psychotherapy.


Workshops run Saturday 9.30 - 18.30 hrs and (for weekend workshops) Sunday 9.30 - 16.30 hrs. A Saturday workshop counts as nine psychodrama hours and a weekend counts as 16 psychodrama hours. Certificates of attendance are given to evidence continuing professional development, where needed.

All events in Birmingham unless otherwise noted. Click a particular event for further information to find the location.

Fees and accommodation:

£120 for weekends and £60 for single-day events. Weekend fees include lunches but not accommodation or other meals. Click here for a list of nearby accommodation in Birmingham.


For details about BIP workshops, click here for the booking calendar.

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